Apr 26, 2015

Kitchen Fail: Part Deux :(

In most of my posts I have been recommending pairing dishes with naan. Couple days ago I decided to attempt to make some from scratch instead of using store bought. I came across the recipe in indiansimmer (I highly recommend following this blog-beautiful pictures and variety of Indian recipes). I followed her naan recipe but I was light handed with cumin and salt, therefore, mine turn out pretty bland.

I am going to attempt to make this again very soon, and I will re-post the results, but in the meantime if you are interested in the recipe go here.

Apr 6, 2015

Vacation: Tanzania & Kenya

After 18 years I finally went back home for a visit. It started with a bang--flight delay, one connecting flight-in total 21+ hours plane ride (no empty seats!!), and on top of it my luggage got delayed--essentially my luggage missed it's connecting flight. Nonetheless I got there, and from there on it was an adventure. It was jammed packed two weeks. We started in Dar-es-Salaam, followed by Zanzibar, Morogoro, back to Dar-es-Salaam, and finally to Nairobi, Kenya. Besides visiting all the familiar childhood places and some new ones, the best part about the trip was the FOOD, especially street food. Luckily, I went with two people who enjoy food as much as I do, if not more.

Here are some of the pictures of street food we had:

Nyama Choma (barbecued meat) served with salt. We had a side of grilled banana and ugali:


Roasted cassava served with tomato and onion sauce:

Zanzibar mix:

Zanzibar 'pizza':

Steak and mishkaki (small cubes of skewered beef):

Nundu (beef fat--yum!)

 Bajia-in Nairobi-

I would just go back for the food!