Aug 5, 2014

Sev Ladoos

In a long list of variety of ladoos, sev ladoo, are by far my favorite. I still remember when I first tasted it, it was little ball of heaven. Unfortunately, I used to only have them once a year, but after making them myself, I will most definitely try and make them as often as I can. 

Ladoos are a type of Indian sweet, most often made during festivals, weddings, and any celebratory event. I always thought it was a difficult process to make these, but  they are quite simple to make, but it require time.  I know I must sound like a broken record because most of the things I have attempted to cook has been pretty straight forward and simple. But I must say that these turned out really well, in fact so well that I airmailed them to my sister and she ate 7 of them in one sitting!

Prep time: 60 minutes
Makes: 46 ladoos


300g roasted Vermicelli

2 1/4 cup Khoya (Mawo)
60g fine sugar
1 cup almond
1 cup pistachio
2 tbsp Ghee
Saffron (a pinch)
2 tbsp Milk
Cardamom powder to taste


Grind almond and pistachio separately into a powder. Khoya comes packaged as a block of cheese, the best method is to grate it

In a large bowl, combine almond, pistachio, khoya, sugar, and a pinch of cardamom powder. 

In a small bowl add a pinch of saffron and then add milk. Microwave it for few seconds (`30 sec)- enough for it to dilute with the milk. Add this to the mix above.

Crush the vermicelli into small pieces. In a pan heat ghee on high and then add vermicelli. Since the vermicelli is roasted it only needs to be cooked for few minutes. Stir continuously until it is warm. Then add vermicelli to the large bowl containing rest of the ingredients, and mix it well, combining all the ingredients. 

Then roll the mixture into small round-shape balls. That is it! 

Let me know how it turns out. 

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